Friday, May 21, 2010

Is my dentist lying?

I went to the dentist today, the last time I went (six months ago), they said everything looked good, but I should probably floss a little more. Today, the first nurse said my teeth looked great except the gums bled a little in a couple of areas. She said I probably didn't have any cavities but the dentist would come in to make sure and take ex-rays.

The next nurse comes in and says how jealous she is of my teeth. She then takes the x-rays and suddenly says, "uh, we may have some cavities."

Finally, the dentist comes in and starts listing off a bunch of stuff in doctor-lingo. In all, he said I have EIGHT cavities.

My teeth feel great and look great and I've never had braces. Everything seems fishy to me... should I at least get a second opinion?

Thanks for any answers in advance.

Is my dentist lying?
Dental x-rays don't lie. Either you have decay in your teeth or not. You can ask a dental assistant to read your x-rays or even a dental hygienst, a Dentist is not the only one who can see if you have decay or not.

In order for decay to show up on an x-ray the decay has to be at least 40% decalcified- this means who could have had decay for a while but it takes time for it to show up on the actual x-ray. Again, you do not need to be a dentist to read an xray to see "black spots" in between your teeth, you do have to be dentist to legally diagnose.

Bring your xrays to another DDS and ask him to review them (this can cost $40-$75 sometimes waived if u decided to get the work done) cause if left untreated it will get worse and you will be needed 8 root canals instead. Hope this helps!
Reply:It sounds like you should be suspisous. To be sure go to another Dentist to receive a second opinion.
Reply:Get a 2nd opinion.

There are many sides to teeth (I want to say 5). A lot of them are not visible and that's why they take ex-rays.

So, he may be telling the truth - but you seem like you have the willies. It is better to pay the $ and get a 2nd opinion and put your mind at ease.

Also, you have to replace fillings after so many years. Depending on your age, this may be some of the 8.
Reply:get more then a second opinion, dentists are worst then lawyers in lying, trust me i went for a simple check up and ended up paying $4000 the next six months.
Reply:There's nothing suspicious about Cavaties on an Xray. You may not feel them, but they're there, and will get worse over time. It's best to have them filled when they are small. Don't you hate when the dentist calls out so many numbers, you just want to yell "BINGO".
Reply:If it will make you feel better then you should get a second opinion. The xrays are normally always right but sometimes if they are not taken properly they may show a shadow that will look like a cavity. Go see another dentist and have them take new xrays to make sure you are getting an accurate answer.

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