Monday, May 17, 2010

Bad Dentist?

Three months ago i went to a new dentist for a complete check up and cleaning. He found a cavity and also mentioned that it looked like i needed a root canal. When i came back for the filling, i asked again about the root canal. He said he was going to put a filling in and wait and see. I thought this was a bit strange but decided to be happy about it that i didn't need a RC.

About 4 weeks ago i had pain and swelling, and had to go in an emergency back to the clinic, another dentist was there, and did a partial RC that became infected and abscessed, then did the full RC a week later, but still now weeks later is still abscessed. Now i think i will have it extracted.

I am right to be angry with the first dentist? Why didn't he tell me to get this done right away before i had pain of swelling?

His answer seems to be that there was a chance that the root would die on it own. This seems like a long shot, and i was never explained the risk of this.

Bad Dentist?
Most dentists will try for the filling first and cross their fingers in hopes that you won't need the Root Canal. Every tooth in every person reacts differently when decay gets that close to the nerve. Maybe he didn't explain things to you as well as he should have, but I'd much rather go a cheaper route first and give the filling a chance. He was just trying to save you some time and money, you should be thankful. Would you have rather that he just done the root canal no matter if you needed it or not?
Reply:Yes and I would get a new dentist if I was you. That sounds like a person who got a dental degree from some third world country.
Reply:i think you should be anagry with this dentist because he should have known what he was doing but he knew you needed a RC but did'nt do that for you so in my opion maybe you should be angry
Reply:An RC treatment is nothing but killing the tooth and mummifying it.Teeth may last for about 5 years after that or even less.Sometimes teeth heal when a medicated dressing is placed.It is lot better to leave the teeth alive than kill it.Also other complications of RC treatment are repeated abcesses and teeth fracture.if any of theses complications happen....u will have to extract your other options left.i am a dental student.I hope this helps.
Reply:Believe it or not, most dentists try to be conservative with invasvie work like RCT. He should have have given you more explanation as to proceedures and risks, but he didn't do anything wrong. It may be that the 1st dentist missed a canal and it's still abcessing. Don't go pulling teeth just yet, they don't grow back you know! Go to an endodonist (RCT specialist) they have the right equipment and know how to do it right the first time. Good luck!

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