Thursday, November 12, 2009


my friend went to the dentist got his cavities filled with the metal looking paste and now is really sensative and painfull cant eat anything to cold or hot is it normal??

The amalgam fillings contain over 50% liquid mercury. Ask yourself, "what is one of the primary uses of mercury?" The answer is Thermometers. Why? Because it expands and contracts consistently and easily. What do you think happens when they put that garbage in your tooth? It expands and contracts with cold and hot foods %26amp; drinks! If you look at teeth highly magnified that have amalgam fillings, you will see small fissure cracks. In fact, amalgam fillings do not bond to the teeth, so they create a reverse wedge to make it stay in the tooth. There is a small interstitial space between the amalgam and the tooth. This is where infection breads!

The mercury in the amalgam leaks out over time in the form of mercury vapor. If you have a gold filling and an amalgam filling in your mouth, especially if they are close to each other, the mercury will leave the tooth 80 times faster than if no dissemilar metal was there.

Go to the following web site and watch what mercury does to your brain tissue. The same thing that is found in alzheimer's patients. Go to:

This study was done by the University of Calgary School of Medicine. This information was rejected by the American Dental Association because it said that the study did not CONCLUSIVELY LINK ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE TO THE MERCURY poisoning. Really? Watch the video and watch what mercury does to the brain tissue.

Now realize that mercury is listed as a deadly poison by the CDC and then ask yourself why would we insist on the HAZMAT people to clean up neon breakage that contains mercury? Then ask yourself why would the amount of mercury that leaks out of your fillings each time you drink a hot liquid, chew gum, be about 100 to 1,000 times the amount shown in that University of Calgary video, not hurt you?

Amazing. The ADA is not looking out for you. They have a great financial interest in keeping the status quo on amalgam fillings. Now ask yourself, since there are many better alternatives to using amalgams, why take the chance? The dentist make more money using amalgams.

I recently had ALL my amalgams taken out, root canals cleaned and the CAVITATIONS below them fixed, ALL composites taken out. IN ALL CASES, THERE WERE BIG INFECTIONS IN ALL OF THEM.

good luck to you
Reply:if your teeth is sensitive to cold or hot things after an amalgam filling for about 2 weeks is Normal,(as they teach in dental studies),but more than that if it doesn't reduce and lasts more than a month u need to visit your dentist, there might be a gap between the restorative material and your tooth which may cause infection.

another thing that might have happened is that the cavities were so deep and near the pulp of teeth(where the nerves are)and while removing the cavities the pulp has been exposed or become sensitive,in that case the dentist should evaluate the teeth to see if needs root canal therapy or not.

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