Monday, November 16, 2009

Dentist able to tell if Ive smoked? (details inside)?

Dentist can tell if Ive smoked? (details)?

In the past 2 1/2 weeks, I have smoked about 27 cigarettes. I smoked my last cigarette today, and before that my last one was 2 days ago. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and I have cleaned my tounge, scrubbed my gums and tounge, and of course my teeth 3 times in the past 4 hours. Will the dentist be able to tell that I have smoked, and if so will he say anything or can he? Is there anything else I can do to cover it up?

Dentist able to tell if Ive smoked? (details inside)?
Yes, he/she will be able to tell. At least more than likely. It depends on how long you have smoked, your teeth will be yellowish. Sounds like you are a teen who is gonna be in trouble with mom. He probably will make mention of it of he sees anything. If you have only smoked for 2 weeks, then you SHOULD be alright. Good luck to you, and as a medical professional, STOP SMOKING!!!
Reply:people he asked a question ur supposed to help him not say stop smoking. Yea the dentist will but he shudnt say anything and juss blame them on coffe and iced tea juice box's cuz tht stuff realy turns them yellow Report It

Reply:Who knows? And why do you care?
Reply:The dentist will probably see stains. Maybe you can attribute them to coffee.
Reply:Are you asking this because you are under age and you are afraid he'll tell your mom??
Reply:Probably. Here's a thought: Quit smoking. Then you won't have to worry if your mom finds out. You'll feel better, and you won't choke and gag. Plus you'll live longer.

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