Thursday, November 12, 2009

The dentist who commits malpractice does so by?

Part One

1. The dentist who commits malpractice does so by

A. not doing a thorough head and neck examination.

B. prescribing medication.

C. doing harm to a patient.

D. allowing auxiliaries to work under general supervision.

2. When obtaining a medical history of the patient, it's important to

A. clarify information that's unclear or vague.

B. learn if another patient referred him or her.

C. not treat the patient if he or she has a slight cold.

D. be sure his or her address is correct.

3. Why is it important for the DA to know about the laws governing dentistry?

A. To work efficiently on the patients' teeth

B. To prevent questions from the patients

C. To prevent contributing to malpractice

D. To be able to answer patients' questions about suing the dentist

4. Vital signs are

A. never needed in emergency.

B. monitored only during anesthesia.

C. the signs of life.

D. a charting system.

5. A palpation (head and neck) examination should include

A. carious lesions.

B. blood pressure, pulse, and respiration.

C. under-the-tongue glands and the neck and cheeks.

D. medication the patient is taking.

6. To know if a patient has tuberculosis, hepatitis B, or AIDS is important because

A. they're serious illnesses.

B. they can't be cured.

C. cross-infection may occur.

D. they could compromise the vital sign readings.

7. What is respiration?

A. 14–20 beats per minute

B. Artery pulses

C. Taking in air

D. Inhalation and expiration

8. In order to avoid breaking the law, the dentist must

A. give added responsibility to trained auxiliaries.

B. provide direct supervision in some areas of the assistant's duties.

C. only provide indirect supervision.

D. be present while auxiliaries take the health history or clean teeth.

9. Which medical condition(s) can be compromised by dental treatment?

A. Heart, high blood pressure, heart murmur

B. Herpes simplex type 1

C. AIDS, hepatitis B, tuberculosis

D. Diabetes

10. Who makes the diagnosis of an abnormal condition?

A. The patient

B. The dental assistant

C. The dentist

D. The hygienist

11. The dentist usually waits for six months before treating a patient who has

A. had rheumatic fever.

B. been pregnant.

C. had a stroke.

D. diabetes.

12. When a patient hasn't seen a physician in a long time, it tells us the patient may

A. have high blood pressure.

B. be very healthy.

C. have dental caries.

D. have an undiagnosed disease.

13. During the head, neck, and oral examination, the dentist looks at

A. the ears for shape and style.

B. TMJ symptoms if asked by patient.

C. the oral mucosa and gingiva.

D. the teeth and tongue only if infected.

14. In an emergency, the carotid pulse is often used to monitor the heart rate. It's found

A. on either ankle.

B. on either side of the windpipe.

C. one inch below the thumb.

D. inside the bend of the elbow.

15. Before dental treatment can begin, a patient who has had a hip or knee replacement must

A. have his or her teeth cleaned.

B. have a head and neck examination.

C. wait six months.

D. take an antibiotic.

16. _______ is the way the body breaks down medication and food.

A. Malnutrition

B. Metabolism

C. Dialysis

D. Hypotension

17. When blood pressure is taken, the _______ reading is the time of most pressure and the _______ reading is the time of least pressure.

A. diastolic, systolic

B. top, bottom

C. abnormal, normal

D. bottom, top

18. If BP readings are consistently 145 mm Hg/99 mm Hg over a period of time, the patient may have

A. hypertension.

B. a BP screening test.

C. hypotension.

D. a condition known as shock.

19. The purpose of the medical history is to

A. get to know the patient better.

B. help the dental auxiliary prepare the operatory.

C. help provide safe dental treatment to patients.

D. help the dentist decide which patients to see and which to refer to someone else.

20. This instrument pictured is a/an _______ and is used to ______.

A. explorer, find caries in tooth enamel

B. periodontal probe, measure the size of tumors inside the mouth

C. explorer, measure periodontal bone loss

D. periodontal probe, measure the free gingival margin around the tooth

Part Two

Questions 21–25: Carefully read the instructions below, then begin.

On the charting representation, note the left and right sides.

Note in the midline.

Number the teeth in the three systems as designated on the grid above and below the teeth.

Note: The Universal System and some classifications will be used in the charting exercise. Later questions will be asked about this charting but other numbering systems will be referred to. (Remember that neatness is important!)

Select the best answer to each question based on the charting in the figure below.

21. From the chart, determine: How many tooth extractions are needed?

A. 3

B. 6

C. 2

D. 1

22. What tooth numbers have complex caries?

A. #10 and #14

B. #5 and #19

C. #2 and #19

D. #3 and #20

23. What dental disease is present on the lower anterior teeth?

A. Pulpitis

B. Periodontal

C. Herpes simplex type 1

D. Candidiasis

24. Using the FDI system, determine which tooth is partially erupted.

A. #17

B. #18

C. #16

D. #10

25. What is the classification for the caries on tooth #31, FDI system?

A. Class V

B. Class II

C. Class I

D. Class VI

The dentist who commits malpractice does so by?
study hard buddy. Yahoo answerers can't sit your exams for you.
Reply:Where's the chart?


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